Zoe’s Dried Bouquets

Bridal Bouquet

Zoe’s Bridal Bouquet

Married June 30, 2018

in Southern Utah

“My main goal for my bouquet was to incorporate some of my home. I was raised in Northern New Jersey. Everything is green and bright during spring there and I wanted to make sure I had a piece of home on such an important day. I remember sitting outside my home and feeling the leaves of the Lamb’s Ears plant in our front garden and I really wanted that for my bouquet. Lamb’s Ears aren’t native to Utah so we substituted with Dusty Miller, which are just as silky. I wanted my bouquet to be very earthy, so we added twigs and some hearty stems. I chose blue, green, lavender, and white colors for my flowers. I couldn’t choose just one of two colors, I needed them all! I’ve always liked lilies, so there were some big white lilies and little blue flowers, AND lots of green leaves. There were some sprigs of lavender, too, it smelled so good but was also very subtle. It was the perfect blend of beautiful and earthy; simple and clean, and a little rugged, too.

I wanted to feel like my bouquet accented my very simple dress and I think it did that very nicely. My dress was long-sleeved and had two lines of lace around the skirt. It was handmade in Ukraine, and I was terrified that it wouldn’t fit or be here in time. It arrived right on time and it was absolutely perfect. Simple and elegant. I didn’t wear high heeled shoes, just simple $20 flats so I could be comfortable and accentuate the height difference between my soon-to-be husband and me. I did my own makeup and my friend did my hair. I really wanted to just focus on enjoying the ceremony and the day.

I didn’t know what my bouquet was going to look like because my mother-in-law had it made for me. It was a pretty big surprise. When I finally saw it, after all of the other preparations I was involved in, I fell in love. It was perfect. It wasn’t super involved or overly fluffy. It didn’t hang, just a nice bundle of flowers and branches.

My bouquet was kind of the finishing touch that I didn’t know I needed. I loved that I loved it even though I didn’t pick it out. I think if I had picked it out myself, I would’ve thought I had made the wrong choice or thought to change something, but having it be a surprise made it all the more enjoyable. I am so glad I kept it and now I can cherish it forever. It has been sitting in my closet for years. 4 whole years, waiting for something beautiful to be done with it. It deserves that. It really added something simple and special to our day.” - Zoe

Funeral Floral Bundle

Grandma Fern

Went home to be with the Lord 12/4/16

“My Grandma Fern lived in same little blue house since the 70’s. The front bathroom was coral pink: pink tub, pink walls, pink toilet, with a chandelier light fixture. The wallpaper in the entry hall had birds on it. It was never changed. The living room was full of plants, mainly giant elephant ears, and a 200-yr-old pothos plant. It was always the same.

Every morning we were there with her, she made us a full breakfast: eggs, bacon, pancakes, orange juice AND milk. She did that until her hands couldn’t do it anymore.

One of her favorite things to collect was nativity scenes. She displayed them on shelving right by her front door. Although, it was probably a sign of her being raised in the Depression era, I loved that she kept everything. She saved old and broken telephones or typewriters, even an old fridge. It was like walking through the past every time I looked through all of her old things. It just felt really good being in her home.

She was 93 when she died, and she was still fairly lucid. One thing I remember is how fervently she prayed. She was always so humble and so dedicated to her prayers, even over something like toast.

Her funeral flowers weren’t picked for any particular reason, as far as I know. But I do know she liked wheat stalks and sego lilies. She kept imagery of either of the two throughout her home and even had wheat on her headstone.

My grandmother was a very classy lady. She always tried to be dressed and groomed. She was always very polite and gentle. I really admire her for these things. Whenever we left, after spending the summer with her, she would stand at the end of the driveway and wave us off as she cried. Those are tender memories that I keep. I miss her often but am so glad she is resting in the Lord now.” -Zoe


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